* The Common Desktop Environment
* C/C++ Program Compilation
* C Basics
* Conditionals
* Looping and Iteration
* Arrays and Strings
* Functions
* Further Data Types
* Pointers
* Dynamic Memory Allocation and Dynamic Structures
* Advanced Pointer Topics
* Low Level Operators and Bit Fields
* The C Preprocessor
* C, UNIX and Standard Libraries
* Integer Functions, Random Number, String Conversion, Searching and Sorting:
* Mathematics:
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C Programming Notes
These notes are part of the UW Experimental College course on Introductory C Programming. They are based on notes prepared (beginning in Spring, 1995) to supplement the book The C Programming Language, by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, or K&R as the book and its authors are affectionately known. (The second edition was published in 1988 by Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-110362-8.) These notes are now (as of Winter, 1995-6) intended to be stand-alone, although the sections are still cross-referenced to those of K&R, for the reader who wants to pursue a more in-depth exposition.
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C Elements of Style
This book covers only the C language and is a bit out dated. However it still contains a lot of good advice.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Style and Program Organization
Chapter 2: File Basics, Comments, and Program Headings
Chapter 3: Variable Names
Chapter 4: Statement Formatting
Chapter 5: Statement Details
Chapter 6: Preprocessor
Chapter 7: Directory Organization and Makefile Style
Chapter 8: User-Friendly Programming
Chapter 9: Rules
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Beejs Guide to C Programming
Table of Contets
1. Foreward
2. Programming Building Blocks
3. Variables, Expressions, and Statements (Oh My)
4. Building Blocks Revisited
5. Functions
6. Variables, The Sequel
7. Pointers--Cower In Fear!
8. Structures
9. Arrays
10. Strings
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An Introduction to GCC for the GNU Compilers gcc and g++ (B. Gough)
This book is a guide to getting started with GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection. It will tell you how to use GCC as a programming tool. GCC is a programming tool, that's true--but it is also something more. It is part of a 20-year campaign for freedom for computer users. We all want good software, but what does it mean for software to be "good"? Convenient features and reliability are what it means to be technically good, but that is not enough. Good software must also be ethically good: it has to respect the users' freedom.
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A Tutorial on Pointers and Arrays in C
This document is intended to introduce pointers to beginning programmers in the C programming language. Over several years of reading and contributing to various conferences on C including those on the FidoNet and UseNet, I have noted a large number of newcomers to C appear to have a difficult time in grasping the fundamentals of pointers. I therefore undertook the task of trying to explain them in plain language with lots of examples.
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Advanced C Programming Books
Introduction C is a computer language available on the GCOS and UNIX operating systems at Murray Hill and (in preliminary form) on OS/360 at Holmdel. C lets you write your programs clearly and simply _ it has de- cent control flow facilities so your code can be read straight down the page, without labels or GOTO’s; itlets you write code that is compact without being too cryptic; it encourages modularity and good programorganization; and it provides good data-structuring facilities. This memorandum is a tutorial to make learning C as painless as possible. The first part concentrates on the central features of C; the second part discusses those parts of the language which are useful (usuallyfor getting more efficient and smaller code) but which are not necessary for the new user. This is not a ref-erence manual. Details and special cases will be skipped ruthlessly, and no attempt will be made to coverevery language feature. The order of presentation is hopefully pedagogical instead of logical. Users whowould like the full story should consult the C Reference Manual by D. M. Ritchie [1], which should be readfor details anyway. Runtime support is described in [2] and [3]; you will have to read one of these to learnhow to compile and run a C program.
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