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Thursday, January 8, 2009

JavaScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner

JavaScript is a scripting language developed by Netscape to enable Web authors to design interactive sites. JavaScript can interact with HTML source code, enabling Web authors to spice up their sites with dynamic content. JavaScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner not only teaches you JavaScript, a great programming gateway language, it will teach you the fundamental programming concepts you need to grasp in order to learn any computer language. It also uses game creation as a learning tool. You will learn how to program in JavaScript and produce something at the same time! Plus, the accompanying CD will contain games that you can cut and paste right into your own Web site! This book is perfect for anyone looking for an easy, non-intimidating introduction to JavaScript and general programming concepts.


Java DataBase Programming With Jdbc

The Java Database Connectivity ( JDBC ) specification is a new basis for developers to interface with data sources. The structure of the JDBC is designed to allow developers to program for a standard interface, and let the low-level JDBC driver for different databases deal with the connection and querying of the databases; hence, the developer does not need to worry about dealing with different SQL flavors for each database. The JDBC is also very flexible—a developer doesn’t necessarily lose features specific to the target database. Best of all, the JDBC is based on the Java language!